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Tufts Light Green 4mm Small
Tufts Light Green 4mm Small
Auto-adhesive light green grass tufts! Available in wild and small shapes. Light green is a blend of light green fibers and beige fibers, springtime flourishing color. One plastic sheet of 14.5cm x 6.5cm full of Gamer's Grass tufts....
4,95 € *
Tufts Brown 4mm Small
Tufts Brown 4mm Small
Auto-adhesive grass tufts! Available in wild and small shapes. Reddish brown tufts for a very dry look. 4mm tall fibers. One plastic sheet of 14.5cm x 6.5cm full of Gamer's Grass tufts. Tufts are 4mm tall. Just pop-out the tufts from...
4,95 € *
Tufts Light Green 4mm Wild
Tufts Light Green 4mm Wild
Auto-adhesive light green grass tufts! Available in wild and small shapes. Light green is a blend of light green fibers and beige fibers, springtime flourishing color. One plastic sheet of 14.5cm x 6.5cm full of Gamer's Grass tufts....
4,95 € *
Tufts Brown 4mm Wild
Tufts Brown 4mm Wild
Auto-adhesive grass tufts! Available in wild and small shapes. Reddish brown tufts for a very dry look. 4mm tall fibers. One plastic sheet of 14.5cm x 6.5cm full of Gamer's Grass tufts. Tufts are 4mm tall. Just pop-out the tufts from...
4,95 € *
Tufts Swamp 4mm Small
Tufts Swamp 4mm Small
Auto-adhesive swamp grass tufts! Available in wild and small shapes. Tufts simulating swamp vegetation. One plastic sheet of 14.5cm x 6.5cm full of Gamer's Grass tufts. Tufts are 4mm tall. Just pop-out the tufts from the sheet of...
4,95 € *
Laser Plants - Red Aloe
Laser Plants - Red Aloe
Laser Plants - Red Aloe A beautiful succulent plant, developing unusual red leaves when water is withheld but retaining a green core in lower light settings. It will give astonishing red tones to your scenes. This sheet contains 96...
6,95 € *
Dark Purple Flowers
Dark Purple Flowers
Dark Purple Flowers
5,95 € *
Blue Flowers
Blue Flowers
Blue Flowers
5,95 € *
Pink Flowers
Pink Flowers
Pink Flowers
5,95 € *
Yellow Flowers
Yellow Flowers
Tufts covered with yellow petals. Used to simulate wild brooms, furzes and gorges from the mountain and hinterland scrubs, as well as meadows and garden beds with yellow flowers like dandelions, marigolds, daffodils and daisies. Alone or...
5,95 € *
Garden Flowers Set
Garden Flowers Set
Garden Flowers Set
11,95 € *
Orange flowers
Orange flowers
Orange Flowers Gamers Grass
5,95 € *
Laser Plants - Alien Fern
Laser Plants - Alien Fern
Alien fern (named after the earth Blechnum) has long pinnate leaves like its earthly counterparts. With no flowers, its brown to orange leaves, when in wet habitats, form symbiosis with highly toxic blue algae, becoming bluish and very...
6,95 € *
Laser Plants - Black Magic Taro
Laser Plants - Black Magic Taro
Black magic taro is a frost-tender tropical plant likely to be killed even by the lightest winter frost. Their large heart-shaped leaves, held on purple-black stems, emerge green and darken with age to a deep purple-black. They are...
5,95 € *
Laser Plants - Plantain Lily
Laser Plants - Plantain Lily
Plantain lilies, native from Asia, are beautiful shade-tolerant clump-forming plants, highly attractive by their elegance and colorful heart-shaped leaves. The three species included in this set, with their different colors and wide...
5,95 € *
Laser Plants - Deer Fern
Laser Plants - Deer Fern
Deer fern is an evergreen cosmopolitan plant, growing in nature in damp and shaded forest areas. It is also cultivated as a very popular garden fern. Deer ferns can be used to recreate many kinds of fern-rich habitats with great realism....
6,95 € *
Laser Plants - Alien Flytrap
Laser Plants - Alien Flytrap
Außerirdische Fliegenfallen (benannt nach den Dionaea-Pflanzen der Erde) sind riesige, leuchtend blau gefärbte, fleischfressende Pflanzen, die mit der Reifung rotbraun und giftig werden. Sie sind großartig, um Ihren Szenen Gefahr und...
6,95 € *
Laser Plants - Dumb Cane
Laser Plants - Dumb Cane
GamersGrass Dumb Canes sind kurzstielige Pflanzen mit dichten basalen Rosetten aus schön verzierten großen Blättern. Sie können verwendet werden, um Ihren Basen und Dioramen eine Schicht verschiedener Töne und Texturen hinzuzufügen....
5,95 € *
Laser Plants - Bracken
Laser Plants - Bracken
Sehr häufiger Farn, weit verbreitet in gemäßigten und subtropischen Regionen beider Hemisphären. Farnblätter können verwendet werden, um viele Arten von farnreichen Lebensräumen mit großem Realismus nachzubilden. Dieser Bogen enthält 22...
6,95 € *
Laser Plants - Agave
Laser Plants - Agave
Agave ist eine amerikanische Art, die in ihren trockenen Lebensräumen verbreitet ist. Sie wird auch weltweit als Zierpflanze angebaut und in vielen Regionen eingebürgert. Seine schönen grünen Blätter mit stacheligen Rändern und gelben...
5,95 € *
Laser Plants - Dry Bracken
Laser Plants - Dry Bracken
Sehr häufiger Farn, hier in seiner herbstlichen Trockenform. Trockene braune Farnblätter können allein verwendet oder mit grünen Farnblättern gemischt werden, um großen farnreichen Beständen mehr Realismus zu verleihen. Dieser Bogen...
6,95 € *
Laser Plants - Lords-and-Ladies
Laser Plants - Lords-and-Ladies
Lords-and-Ladies sind Waldgiftpflanzen, die im Mittelmeerraum beheimatet sind und häufig in den schattigen Bodenschichten von Wäldern und Flussufern vorkommen. Sie sind ideal, um Ihren Dioramen eine gewisse Maßstabsvielfalt zu verleihen....
5,95 € *
Laser Plants - Alien Rosette
Laser Plants - Alien Rosette
Diese farbenfrohen Alien-Rosetten (benannt nach der Erdpflanze Verbascum mit ähnlichen basalen Rosetten) mit intensiv strukturierten Blättern sind ideal, um leuchtende und lebendige außerirdische Szenarien zu schaffen. Dieser Bogen...
5,95 € *
Laser Plants - Banana Tree
Laser Plants - Banana Tree
Bananenbäume sind großartig, um Ihren Szenen Farbe und Vielfalt zu verleihen. Sie sind ideal, um Zwergbananenbäume, Paradiesvogelpflanzen und andere Büschel langer dunkelgrüner Blätter zu züchten. Dieser Bogen enthält 52 verschiedene...
5,95 € *
Laser Plants - Elephant Ear
Laser Plants - Elephant Ear
Elefantenohr ist eine tropische Art, die aus Südasien stammt und weit verbreitet als Zierpflanze kultiviert und verwendet wird. Seine großen Blätter eignen sich hervorragend, um dichte Dschungelschichten sowie Gartenwege zu schaffen....
5,95 € *
Laser Plants - Monstera
Laser Plants - Monstera
Monstera ist eine mexikanische Pflanze, die in tropischen Lebensräumen weit verbreitet ist und als Zimmerpflanze weit verbreitet ist. Es kann verwendet werden, um verschiedene Szenarien zu schaffen, von dichtem Regenwald bis hin zu...
6,95 € *
Wild Flowers Tufts Set
Wild Flowers Tufts Set
Best used to recreate the diversity of colours you expect to see on wild landscapes from every countryside. Purple heathers, yellow brooms, white heaths, edges spotted with mature brambles ? you will be able to reconstruct many natural...
11,95 € *
Winter 5mm Wild
Winter 5mm Wild
Inhalt: A blend of very light fibers with some remnants of dark greens and browns, perfect to simulate a very cold climate. 5mm tall fibers. One plastic sheet of 14.5cm x 6.5cm full of Gamer's Grass tufts. Tufts are 5mm tall. Just...
4,95 € *
Marshland Set
Marshland Set
This miniature grass tuft set contains 4 sheets of our 4mm, 5mm and 6mm tufts: Burned 6mm Mixed Green 6mm Swamp 4mm Autumn 5mm Each plastic sheet is 7.25cm x 6.5cm full of Gamer's Grass tufts. Tufts are 4-6mm tall. Just pop-out the...
9,95 € *
Green Meadow Set (Wild)
Green Meadow Set (Wild)
Green Meadow Set (Wild) Wild Tufts weisen eine Vielzahl an Formen auf, die einen natürlicheren Look bei der Gestaltung von Dioramen und Bases ermöglichen. Enthält mehrere Blätter von 7,25 cm x 6,5 cm voller Gamer's Grass-Tufts :...
9,95 € *
White Flowers Tufts
White Flowers Tufts
Gamersgrass: White Flowers - Büschel weißer Blumen Tufts/Büschel mit weißen Blütenblättern. Eine Folie von 14,5 cm x 6,5 cm voll mit Gamer's Gras-Büscheln. Die Tufts sind 4-6 mm hoch. Sie müssen die Büschel nur aus der Plastikfolie...
5,95 € *
Tufts Green 4mm Wild
Tufts Green 4mm Wild
Tufts Green 4mm Wild Auto-adhesive green grass tufts! Available in wild and small shapes. Green is a blend of dark green and some dry tan fibers, it gives a sense of flourishing vegetation in a dark but vivid color. One plastic sheet of...
4,95 € *
Tufts Green 4mm Small
Tufts Green 4mm Small
Tufts Green 4mm Small Auto-adhesive green grass tufts! Available in wild and small shapes. Green is a blend of dark green and some dry tan fibers, it gives a sense of flourishing vegetation in a dark but vivid color. One plastic sheet of...
4,95 € *
Red Flowers Wild
Red Flowers Wild
Auto-adhesive red flower tufts! Tufts with red collored petals. Perfect to bring some vivid colours to your bases. One plastic sheet of 14.5cm x 6.5cm full of Gamer's Grass tufts. Tufts are 4-6mm tall. Just pop-out the tufts from the...
5,95 € *
Tufts Beige 4mm Small
Tufts Beige 4mm Small
Tufts Beige 4mm Small Auto-adhesive beige grass tufts! Available in wild and small shapes. 4mm tall tufts in a beige color. One plastic sheet of 14.5cm x 6.5cm full of Gamer's Grass tufts. Tufts are 4mm tall. Just pop-out the tufts from...
4,95 € *
Tufts Beige 4mm Wild
Tufts Beige 4mm Wild
Tufts Beige 4mm Wild Auto-adhesive beige grass tufts! Available in wild and small shapes. 4mm tall tufts in a beige color. One plastic sheet of 14.5cm x 6.5cm full of Gamer's Grass tufts. Tufts are 4mm tall. Just pop-out the tufts from...
4,95 € *
Tufts Moss 2mm Wild
Tufts Moss 2mm Wild
Tufts Moss 2mm Wild Auto-adhesive 2mm tall grass tufts! Available in wild and small shapes. A blend of very short fibers with a light green color. Perfect to add some height variation when mixed with our 6mm tufts. One plastic sheet of...
4,95 € *
Tufts Swamp XL 8mm Wild
Tufts Swamp XL 8mm Wild
Auto-adhesive swamp XL grass tufts! 8mm tall tufts simulating swamp vegetation. One plastic sheet of 14.5cm x 6.5cm full of Gamer's Grass tufts. Tufts are 8mm tall. Just pop-out the tufts from the sheet of plastic and glue them to your...
5,95 € *
Tufts Moss 2mm Small
Tufts Moss 2mm Small
Auto-adhesive 2mm tall grass tufts! Available in wild and small shapes. A blend of very short fibers with a light green color. Perfect to add some height variation when mixed with our 6mm tufts. One plastic sheet of 14.5cm x 6.5cm full...
4,95 € *
Tufts Highland Tuft Set Wild
Tufts Highland Tuft Set Wild
Auto-adhesive highland themed tufts! This miniature grass tuft set contains the tufts used in our Highland Battle Ready Bases: Yellow Flowers Mixed Green 6mm Autumn 5mm Light Green 4mm Dark Moss 2mm Each plastic sheet is 7.25cm x 6.5cm...
11,95 € *
Tufts Alien Blue 6mm Wild
Tufts Alien Blue 6mm Wild
Auto-adhesive alien blue tufts! Alien blue colored tufts. Perfect for sci-fi and magical themes bases. One plastic sheet of 14.5cm x 6.5cm full of Gamer's Grass tufts. Tufts are 4-6mm tall. Just pop-out the tufts from the sheet of...
5,95 € *
Tufts Alien Turquoise 6mm Wild
Tufts Alien Turquoise 6mm Wild
Auto-adhesive alien turquoise tufts! Alien turquoise colored tufts. Perfect for sci-fi and magical themes bases. One plastic sheet of 14.5cm x 6.5cm full of Gamer's Grass tufts. Tufts are 4-6mm tall. Just pop-out the tufts from the sheet...
4,95 € *
Tufts Dry Tuft XL 12mm Wild
Tufts Dry Tuft XL 12mm Wild
Auto-adhesive dry tuft XL grass tufts! Dry tuft colored tufts have a darker brown base and beige fibers sparkle out of it. 12mm tall fibers. One plastic sheet of 14.5cm x 6.5cm full of Gamer's Grass tufts. Tufts are 12mm tall. Just...
5,95 € *
Tufts Dry Green XL 12mm Wild
Tufts Dry Green XL 12mm Wild
Auto-adhesive beige XL grass tufts! New recipe! 12mm tall fibers tufts in a beige color. One plastic sheet of 14.5cm x 6.5cm full of Gamer's Grass tufts. Tufts are 12mm tall. Just pop-out the tufts from the sheet of plastic and glue them...
5,95 € *
Tufts Strong Green 6mm Small
Tufts Strong Green 6mm Small
Auto-adhesive strong green grass tufts! Available in wild and small shapes. Strong green color is a very saturated green, almost like artificial plastic grass. Can also be used to give a very warm/jungle climate sense to your models. One...
4,95 € *
Tufts Jungle XL 12mm Wild
Tufts Jungle XL 12mm Wild
Auto-adhesive jungle grass tufts! 12mm tall fibers tufts with a very bright green color to give a very warm/jungle climate sense to your models. One plastic sheet of 14.5cm x 6.5cm full of Gamer's Grass tufts. Tufts are 12mm tall. Just...
5,95 € *
Tufts Dry Tuft 6mm Wild
Tufts Dry Tuft 6mm Wild
Auto-adhesive dry grass tufts! Available in wild and small shapes. These colored tufts have a darker brown base and beige fibers sparkle out of it. Used mainly for dry climates recreation, and it goes exceptionally well sided with green...
4,95 € *
Tufts Burned Tufts 6mm Wild
Tufts Burned Tufts 6mm Wild
Auto-adhesive burned grass tufts! Available in wild and small shapes. A mix of tall beige and black fibers and a brown undergrowth. Perfect for a swamp evil look. One plastic sheet of 14.5cm x 6.5cm full of Gamer's Grass tufts. Tufts are...
4,95 € *
Tufts Light Green 6mm Wild
Tufts Light Green 6mm Wild
Auto-adhesive light green grass tufts! Available in wild and small shapes. Light green is a blend of light green fibers and beige fibers, springtime flourishing color. One plastic sheet of 14.5cm x 6.5cm full of Gamer's Grass tufts....
4,95 € *
Tufts Dry Green 2mm Wild
Tufts Dry Green 2mm Wild
Auto-adhesive dry green grass tufts! Available in wild and small shapes. Dry green tufts. 2mm tall fibers. One plastic sheet of 14.5cm x 6.5cm full of Gamer's Grass tufts. Tufts are 2mm tall. Just pop-out the tufts from the sheet of...
4,95 € *
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