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German Veteran Infantry Platoon
German Veteran Infantry Platoon
The savage battles of the Eastern Front and the bitter city-fighting over the ruins of Stalingrad turned raw German recruits into hardened veterans in mere weeks. Forged in the crucible of battle, these men had learned to survive and...
40,00 € * 44,50 € *
Armies of Germany: Third Edition with Josef "Sepp" Allerberger Special Figure
Armies of Germany: Third Edition with Josef...
Your essential guide to fielding the forces of Germany in Bolt Action has arrived! The essential handbook for any Bolt Action player looking to field the forces of the Wehrmacht on the tabletop, Armies of Germany is packed with unit...
30,00 € *
Regelbuch Shootout in Dingstown
Regelbuch Shootout in Dingstown
" Zieh, Fremder! " - und schon sprechen die Colts! Shootout in Dingstown entführt Dich und Deine Kumpels in die Welt des Wilden Westens, wo eine schnelle Hand und ein Hechtsprung hinter den nächsten Planwagen über Leben und Tod...
35,00 € *
Damage Markers (10)
Damage Markers (10)
Pack contains 10 Damage Markers. These dice have been custom made for the game and are used for recording damage. They also make very funky D6! Pack contain 10 x 16mm custom dice.
9,90 € *
Mortal Gods Dice (8)
Mortal Gods Dice (8)
Pack contains 8 Mortal Gods Dice. These dice have been custom made for the game and are used for combat and courage tests. Pack contain 8 x 16mm custom dice.
9,90 € *
SAGA Würfel (Waliser / Strathclyde)
SAGA Würfel (Waliser / Strathclyde)
8 SAGA Würfel
15,90 € *
Bolt Action Starter Set
Bolt Action Starter Set
Wage World War II on your tabletop! The Bolt Action Starter Set guides you through your very first steps into the world of tabletop wargaming, and welcomes you to the world of Bolt Action , the ultimate World War Two wargame! Designed...
45,90 € *
Napoleonic War Late French Light Infantry
Napoleonic War Late French Light Infantry
Each boxed set contains: 24 plastic French infantry Metal command group (2 officers, standard bearer, and a drummer) Standard poles and finials Full colour background leaflet containing several flags. Note: Models supplied unassembled...
29,70 € * 33,00 € *
Prussian Landwehr regiment 1813-1815
Prussian Landwehr regiment 1813-1815
The Landwehr were militia formed from teenagers through to men in their forties. They were plucked from their fields, shops and offices and enrolled into the Prussian military machine to enlarge the forces that could finally depose...
29,70 € * 33,00 € *
Bolt Action Starter Set - Battle of the Bulge
Bolt Action Starter Set - Battle of the Bulge
Welcome to the Third Edition of Bolt Action, the world’s greatest World War II wargame! This starter set is the best way to start your Bolt Action journey, containing everything you need to jump right into the action! Alongside an A5...
99,00 € * 112,00 € *
Bolt Action: Third Edition Rulebook with Francis S. Currey Special Miniature
Bolt Action: Third Edition Rulebook with...
Welcome to the Third Edition of Bolt Action , the world’s greatest World War II wargame! Inside this rulebook you’ll find all the rules you need to play fantastic, fast-paced games with your collection of Bolt Action miniatures. Written...
42,00 € *
Bolt Action - US Army Platoon (Winter)
Bolt Action - US Army Platoon (Winter)
US Army (Winter) Platoon As the US Army advanced through France towards Germany, they would be faced with not only fierce German resistance, but also increasingly harsh weather. The winter of 1944-45 was a cold one in north-west Europe,...
39,95 € * 45,50 € *
Bedford QLT Troop Transport
Bedford QLT Troop Transport
This box contains one plastic Bedford QLT troop transport, and a sprue of seated British infantry passengers to fit in the rear. Packed with fantastic, crisp detail, and able to be assembled with the canvas-covered cargo bay in multiple...
27,90 € * 31,00 € *
Bolt Action - Fallschirmjäger Platoon (Winter)
Bolt Action - Fallschirmjäger Platoon (Winter)
Fallschirmjäger (Winter) Platoon The elite paratroopers of the German Luftwaffe, the Fallschirmjäger would find themselves fighting exclusively as ground troops as the Second World War progressed, where their intense training and esprit...
39,95 € * 44,50 € *
Italian Alpini Weapons Teams
Italian Alpini Weapons Teams
Infantry weapons teams are a key component of any Bolt Action army, providing great tactical flexibility for your force. This boxed set provides your Italian Alpini army with three of the most prevalent and useful such teams, as well as...
17,10 € * 19,00 € *
Hail Caesar Epic Battles: The Punic Wars rulebook
Hail Caesar Epic Battles: The Punic Wars rulebook
This full colour, soft cover book contains everything you need to get started playing Hail Caesar Epic Battles: The Punic Wars. Included are the full Hail Caesar rules accompanied by detailed army lists and scenarios for the major...
26,50 € *
Black Powder Epic Battles: The Waterloo Campaign Rulebook
Black Powder Epic Battles: The Waterloo...
The Hundred Days campaign ended on the rain-soaked Belgian field at Waterloo, where the Duke of Wellington, master of defensive actions, faced the mercurial Emperor of France, Napoleon Bonaparte, doyen of the attack, and proved a swan...
26,50 € *
BEF Weapons Teams
BEF Weapons Teams
Infantry weapons teams are a key component of any Bolt Action army, providing as they do great tactical flexibility for your force. Sniper teams, light mortar teams and anti-tank teams are among the most prevalent, presenting your...
17,10 € * 19,00 € *
Italian Alpini Support Group
Italian Alpini Support Group
Containing a medium machine gun team, a medium mortar team, two officers, a medic helping a comrade, and a radio operator that would serve well as a forward observer, this Support Group boxed set is the ideal basis of an Italian Alpini...
31,95 € * 35,50 € *
BEF Support Group
BEF Support Group
The British Expeditionary Force was an army of nearly a third of a million troops sent out to France to try to resist aggression from Adolf Hitler's Third Reich. Allied with Belgium and powerful French forces, it fielded ten infantry...
31,95 € * 35,50 € *
KV-85 Heavy Tank
KV-85 Heavy Tank
The KV-85 was a stopgap concept, utilising KV-1S hull mated to a turret previously designed for the KV-13 ‘universal tank’ concept, armed with the powerful D5-T 85mm cannon. Designed to address concerns that the well-armoured KV-1 lacked...
39,60 € * 44,00 € *
Hail Caesar Epic Battles: Hannibal battle-set
Hail Caesar Epic Battles: Hannibal battle-set
With the most miniatures we’ve ever managed to cram into a single box, the Hannibal Battle Set is the perfect way to dive into the Punic Wars with Hail Caesar Epic Battles! Designed specifically to allow you to easily represent the huge...
255,00 € * 288,00 € *
Confederate Officers advancing (foot & mounted) A
Confederate Officers advancing (foot & mounted) A
In games of Black Powder, your troops will do little good without officers on hand to direct and order the battle as the chain of command trickles down from General to the lowliest private soldier. This pack contains two metal officer...
10,75 € *
Union Officers standing (foot & mounted) A
Union Officers standing (foot & mounted) A
In games of Black Powder, your troops will do little good without officers on hand to direct and order the battle as the chain of command trickles down from General to the lowliest private soldier. This pack contains two metal officer...
10,75 € *
British Army (1944-45) Weapons Teams
British Army (1944-45) Weapons Teams
Infantry weapons teams are a key component of any Bolt Action army, providing as they do great tactical flexibility for your force. Sniper teams, flamethrower teams and anti-tank teams are among the most prevalent, presenting your...
17,10 € * 19,00 € *
US Rangers
US Rangers
If you need elite American infantry to go further and do more than the ‘ordinary’ fighting man, you’ve come to the right place! Rangers are some of the very best troops available to a US commander in Bolt Action, combining veteran grit...
40,00 € * 44,50 € *
Dead Man's Hand: Gunfighters (10)
Dead Man's Hand: Gunfighters (10)
“Deine Zeit ist vorbei, dein Ende wird blutig sein und das Einzige was noch in deiner Macht liegt, ist den Ort deines Todes zu wählen.” DEAD MAN’S HAND ist ein 28mm Miniaturenspiel von Great Escape Games, welches auf Deutsch von...
18,95 € *
Dead Man’s Hand General Purpose Wagon
Dead Man’s Hand General Purpose Wagon
Hard plastic kit. The wagon may be modelled with canvas, with hoops, or without either.
23,95 € *
Dead Man's Hand: Gunfighters II – The Ladies (10)
Dead Man's Hand: Gunfighters II – The Ladies (10)
"What y’all waiting around for? You think destiny is coming to you?" DEAD MAN’S HAND is the 28mm skirmish game by Great Escape Games. Bands of tough and wily Cowboys, stoic Lawmen, ruthless Outlaws and crazy Desperados fight...
18,95 € *
Athenian Armoured Hoplites 5th to 3rd Century BCE (48)
Athenian Armoured Hoplites 5th to 3rd Century...
48 High quality 28mm Greek miniatures. This fantastic set of miniatures represents Greek Hoplites of Athens from the 5th Century covering the end of the wars with Persia, to the 4th century and the titanic struggle for Greek supremacy....
32,95 € *
Dead Man’s Hand Redux Rulebook (with card deck & markers)
Dead Man’s Hand Redux Rulebook (with card deck...
This is the second edition of Dead Man’s Hand, which was first published in 2013 and has gone through many print runs and languages. This second edition is not a wholesale change from the original, nor is it a remake of a classic. After...
32,60 € *
SAGA Ära der Wikinger Schlachtpläne V.2021
SAGA Ära der Wikinger Schlachtpläne V.2021
SAGA Ära der Wikinger Schlachtpläne V.2021 Die 8 Schlachtpläne enthalten alle Änderungen mit dem Stand 2021. Es handelt sich um einen einmalige Auflage, die nicht nachgedruckt wird!!! Diese Schlachtpläne richten sich an alle SAGA...
6,90 € *
SAGA Ära der Invasionen
SAGA Ära der Invasionen
Das Römische Reich prägte fünf Jahrhunderte lang die Weltgeschichte, unterwarf Millionen Menschen und herrschte über weite Teile der bekannten Welt. Zu Beginn des fünften Jahrhunderts überquerten Barbaren aus Germanien im Winter den...
35,90 € *
Ancient Gallic Warriors (48)
Ancient Gallic Warriors (48)
High quality 28mm Gallic miniatures. The Gauls were big, muscular and strong and made for fearsome adversaries. Their clothing was woven from wool and if you were a wealthy warrior would often be decorated with stripes or checked...
39,60 € *
Achtung Panzer! Blood & Steel starter set
Achtung Panzer! Blood & Steel starter set
The Second World War saw the rise of armoured fighting vehicles, in particular the tank, from experimental designs based on unfounded theories to fully developed war machines capable of incredible destruction. Wherever nations clashed,...
108,00 € * 120,00 € *
American Civil War: Infantry Regiment Advancing
American Civil War: Infantry Regiment Advancing
In many civil wars in history, both sides were equipped in a very similar fashion with the colour of their uniforms and the flags they fought under being the identifying features. This was no different for the forces of the Union and the...
31,95 € * 35,50 € *
Achtung Panzer! rulebook
Achtung Panzer! rulebook
Achtung Panzer! places you in command of a platoon of World War II tanks, armoured cars or assault guns as you clash with enemy's armour. Missions are set during close-quarter engagements between opposing armoured vehicles on...
30,00 € *
American Civil War: Infantry Regiment Firing Line
American Civil War: Infantry Regiment Firing Line
In many civil wars in history, both sides were equipped in a very similar fashion with the colour of their uniforms and the flags they fought under being the identifying features. This was no different for the forces of the Union and the...
31,95 € * 35,50 € *
American Civil War: Artillery battery
American Civil War: Artillery battery
By the time of the American Civil War, artillery had become a deadly arm on the field of battle, used in huge numbers by both Union and Confederate armies. Some pieces were still old-fashioned muzzle-loading smoothbores similar to those...
27,45 € * 30,50 € *
American War of Indipendence - Hessian Regiment
American War of Indipendence - Hessian Regiment
As the war in America dragged on Britain felt its small army stretched thin all around the world. King George, of German extraction looked therefore to the small kingdoms of what is now Germany to raise troops to put down the rebellion...
26,10 € * 29,00 € *
Pike & Shotte Epic Battles rulebook
Pike & Shotte Epic Battles rulebook
The 17th century saw the recruitment of vast armies across Europe that clashed against each other in bloody wars that decided ultimate temporal and divine authority. The Thirty Years’ War was one of the longest and most destructive wars...
25,00 € *
Conquest Games - Norman Infantry (44 + 2)
Conquest Games - Norman Infantry (44 + 2)
Die Box enthält Plastikgußrahmen zum Bau von 44 normanischen Kriegern und 2 Verletzten.
24,95 € *
Conquest - Medieval Knights (16)
Conquest - Medieval Knights (16)
Die Box enthält Plastikgußrahmen zum Bau von 16 mittelalterlichen Rittern zu Pferd.
24,95 € *
Conquest Games - Norman Knights (15)
Conquest Games - Norman Knights (15)
Die Box enthält Plastikgußrahmen zum Bau von 15 normanischen Rittern zu Pferd
24,95 € *
American War of Independence: British Infantry Regiment
American War of Independence: British Infantry...
The British Redcoat of the Revolutionary War was part of a small but well-trained army, stretched all over the emerging Empire. Most of England’s gold went into maintaining a giant and hugely effective Royal Navy to dominate the seas....
26,10 € * 29,00 € *
SAGA Würfel (Normannen / Bretonen / Franken)
SAGA Würfel (Normannen / Bretonen / Franken)
8 SAGA Würfel
15,90 € *
SAGA Magie Würfel (6)
SAGA Magie Würfel (6)
SAGA Magie Würfel (6)
13,50 € *
SAGA Würfel der Ordnung (8)
SAGA Würfel der Ordnung (8)
SAGA Würfel der Ordnung (8)
15,90 € *
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